The Unbreakable Ethos

  • We believe that achievements are a result of hard work and effort, not inherent talent.
  • We are humble enough to own our mistakes and find value in criticism.
  • We would rather be challenged than play below our skill level. Easy wins against less experienced players are not fulfilling.
  • We see defeat as an opportunity to learn and grow rather than internalizing it as part of my self worth. When we fail, we learn. Then, we rise up and try again.
  • We do not dwell on circumstances outside of our control. We acknowledge that, as part of our journey, we will lose games because of our teammates. But, we waste no energy here. We focus only on what’s within our control: our own improvement.
  • We take ultimate responsibility for our gameplay and believe that rank is a direct reflection of our decisions, attitude, and mindset.
  • We understand that the journey of improvement never ends. We will never stop working to strengthen our mind and become unbreakable.